The Time Has Come!

             It’s true! The time has come and I am off to Seville, Spain for the next 4 months.  I’ve heard about Seville thousands of times from not only my brother, but from other friends as well, and I decided that it would be the best place for me to study abroad. Lucky enough, two of my best friends also wanted to study abroad there as well. I will be attending Universidad de Pablo Olavide and will be taking 4-5 classes (I am not enrolled in them yet so I am not positive). I will also be staying with the same host family Matthew stayed with. I cannot wait to finally meet Pablo, Salud, and Maria in person, although the thought of Lolita (the family turtle that apparently lives in my bathroom), is slightly terrifying. Thanks Matt. After spending the past two months cooped up in a corporate office for my accounting internship, I cannot wait for this trip to begin.

             Now, because I know as my family, you will all miss me so much (probably not, but hey you never know), I have decided to try and document my trip for you all to read. So here is the place that you can keep track of everything I am up to! Well… almost everything, and that is if I remember to actually post and write things. Some words of encouragement may be needed if there is a lull in posts.

            So I am going to give an overview of this website so you all know what stuff is where and how to work it (Grandma Lala this is basically for you). The top menu has Blogs, Photography, and A Day in the Life. Each category is pretty self-explanatory, but blogs will be where I write about my days and any adventures I get up to. Photography will be where I post some of my favorite photographs, which will be sectioned off by city. Next, A Day in the Life will be where I am going to try and upload some vlog type videos. For all you old timers out there, that basically means I will post videos of what I am doing during the day. So if I actually do any of those, enjoy!

           Down the right had side is where you can follow this blog and get email updates on when I post. Also you can see the list of recent posts, and a map that I will try to update to let you know what city I am in. So if you are ever wondering if I am gallivanting around Europe or spending time in my home base of Seville, you can check there! (You’re welcome Mom). The bottom of each page will also show my latest Instagram posts, if you are interested in seeing those basic pictures.

           So this is the go-to place for everything related to my study abroad trip. But again, this whole website is very tentative so please enjoy the ride and bear with me. If you have anything specific you want me to write about comment below to let me know! Well, back to packing I go! I am so excited to start this new experience and to bring you all along with me.

Love always,

Taylor Rose